Thursday, April 9, 2015

5.4 My Reflections Week 9-Week 10 ( 2nd March- 13rd March )

After a few days waiting for the manager from Bonlife Sdn Bhd get back to me, the manager suddenly called and told me the management did agree with the corporate rates Yamato given to them so they decided to sign up our services. Although I do not get any cents of commission from this deal but still I felt happy as I get to close deal with this potential customer myself.

On 7th of March, it was the annual dinner of Yamato company in year 2015. It was great that all of the interns got the opportunity to attend the company annual dinner as well. It was held in Holiday Villa hotel which is situated at Subang area. The annual dinner was served in buffet style in a variety of foods. Some programs such as award giving session, lucky draw and kampai session were carried on during the annual dinner. For most of the chinese, we always yell 'yum seng' when it comes to dinner session but japanese shouted 'kampai' instead. This was the other culture which I got to experience when working in a japanese company. 

During that week, we got some orders from some customers to help them pick packing newspapers and courier it out. 4 of the interns which including me were asked by the sales manager to do the pick packing in the warehouse, the amount of the newspapers is ridiculous as we needed to pick and pack 6000 sets of newspapers. This took us about 9 hours to get it done since morning we punch in at working place until we punch out at our working place. In the warehouse, the ventilation was so bad in the warehouse plus the delivery trucks and vans kept coming in and out. For my own point of view, it is not fun to work in the warehouse at all. 

Besides that, there was a random day during week 9 and week 10, I was called to work in the call centre again and this time my role was to scan all the waybills in piece by piece with the scanning machine which linked to the system itself. The same thing as it took me 8 working hours just to scan a carton of waybills only. Basically , all of the interns were asked to take turn scanning the waybills.

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