Monday, April 6, 2015

2.0 My Internship Preparations

Selection of Company
Before we started our internship, we were told by the Career Service Centre which is helping all the students with the application regarding of the internship that a full name list survey form of established companies will be uploaded to our students' portal. Student who were undergone internship had to fill up the top 3 prioritized companies that we would like to do our internship in. I had chosen Ernst & Young for my 1st choice, Deloitte for 2nd choice and followed by KPMG for my 3rd choice. Unfortunately, I wasn't chosen as I had been waiting the responses from these companies for so long. Out of my mind, I tried to seek my 'luck' for jobstreet , end up I'd submitted my resume to Yamato Transport (M) Sdn Bhd. After a few days, I got a call from Yamato company and I was arranged to have an interview with the person in charge. 

Workshops & Trainings

Before we went out to the real world and do our internship, all students who undergone internship required to attend workshops and trainings in the lecture halls continously for few weeks. One of the reasons that the workshops and trainings were provided by Taylor's University was to help the students better preparing for the challengers and obstacles which might be met during the internship. The workshops and trainings had given me an idea on how to work ethically in a company, what are the things or issues need to beware of and how can my internship be useful in the future. Throughout all these workshops and trainings, it gave a even more confidence to work in Yamato company.

Setting Expectations / Goals

Before I step into the actual working place, I had been thinking each department will be separated with each other in a company. On the first day when I reporting myself to the company, it had totally cleared the wonders in my mind. All desks are joined together between each other and the each different department wasn't that big as what I was expecting. Overall, it is a good experience to work in a logistic company as I get to how does the operation actually work. Previously I was a little 'shy' boy when it comes to talking with strangers, as time passes in that company, I had successfully to train myself get rid of this issue as I had to make lots of phone calls in a single day when working in a logistic company.

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