Wednesday, April 8, 2015

5.2 My Reflections Week 5- Week 6 (2nd Feb- 13th Feb)

During my fifth and sixth week in Sales and Marketing department, I really gained a lot of new experiences and learnt a lot of new things. On 3rd of February , I went out for an appointment with my sales manager upon her request. This appointment was meeting up with a korean client whose company is based in Central region. This company is under KMT group which is a group that sells a variety of imported korean products. After I had done preparing all the company brochure and necessary documents , my sales manager and I went to their office at our appointed time.

In brief, I was just a personal assistant for my sales manager. As usual, we met and greet each other when we reached their office. In a meanwhile, we were arranged to be waiting in their meeting room while waiting for the managing director. The company wasn't that big as what I expected, it just has 8 staffs in total including the top management. While waiting for the managing director, we were served with one of their company products which was a hot cup of green tea. The green tea smells really good in the meeting room. After awhile, the managing director who is a korean came in and apologized for kept us waiting in the meeting room. I was impressed with his good manner though.

Both of them who were my sales manager and the managing director started to introduce themselves before they start off with the meeting. My role during the meeting was to learn and listen how both parties explain and present the products and services to each other. At the same time, I marked down what were the korean client's inquiries and requirements on our Yamato's services. However, I was totally impressed with my sales manager's presentation skills, she has a very good presentation skills, I really learnt a lot of presentation skills from her though. The meeting almost took us for an hour and we bid farewell with each other. 

Right after we done with our meeting with the korean client, we went for a quick lunch. After our lunch, I was told by my sales manager that we would pay a visit to Kajang branch as there was a small problem occurred over there. It was another new experience for me as well. We started our journey off to Kajang. The moment when I reached Kajang branch , it wasn't that nice and big as what I expected. Basically, the branch has a warehouse and the working office is just right above on the warehouse only. Meanwhile, there were only 6 or 7 workers including 1 Japanese branch manager. For Japanese corporate companies, they would always only hire people with the same nationality for their top management. I made a wild guess that this is a culture for most of the Japanese companies throughout the world and from what I had observed in Yamato company. 

Besides these 2 things which I had experienced in week 5, I was suddenly being assigned by my sales manager went to Lazada warehouse to do pick up parcels on 11th February in a very last minute timing before I get to punch out from my working place. Tasks that I did for pick up parcels in Lazada warehouse were scanning all the parcels, printing out the waybill sticker through the mini printer which connected via bluetooth and most importantly it was imported all the way from Japan. It was really convenient to do pick up parcels by using the mini printer. Unfortunately, the scanning and sticking waybills took us almost 2 hours to get it done together with another intern who was from TARC college and it had actually exceeded the agreed working hour between Yamato and interns. However, I tried to ask my sales manager for allowance such as over-time pay but she turned it down and said interns are not allowed to get over-time pay. This was what I had experienced on the fifth and sixth week during my intern period in Yamato company.

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