Tuesday, April 7, 2015

5.0 My Reflections Week 1- Week 2 5th Jan-16th Jan

For the first working day, I was assigned to work in the Credit Control Department by one of the manager. Basically, Credit Control Department serves an important role in a company as most of the customers’ outstanding payments are handling by the Credit Control Department. It would be useful for me to work in Credit Control Department as I am in Finance and Economics course at the moment. In my department, there are 5 workers which is including of 3 full timers and 2 interns. I felt great when I got to know that another intern is my senior who is from Finance and Economics course as well. Therefore, we don’t have any communication gap to each other during the first day we met and greet each other. Another thing which I felt bless during my first working week was one of the full time colleague who name Cik Hasliza always taught and led me about what should I do in the Credit Control Department.

On my first day, I was given a set of aging report regarding all the outstanding payments of customers in each region. Besides aging report, my full time colleague had given a set of credit control report to me as well. The aging report contains up-to-date outstanding payments of all customers in each region. The credit control is about those remarks that had been made regarding of the payment status. However the courier service of Yamato Transport only covers 30%-40% of region in Malaysia. As time passes, the company will expand their coverage areas to even more than that figure.

I was assigned by Cik Hasliza to in charge of the outstanding payments in Kepong and Melaka region. What are the tasks which I need to do was called up customers to ask them for their outstanding payments based on the credit control and aging report. In the other hand, things always happen out of expectation. I did get scolded by some impolite yet impatient customers. Customers claimed that their requests are always being ignored by the call centre but when it comes to payment, staffs from credit control department always ask for their payments on time based on 30 days terms basis.

Other than calling up customers to ask for their payments, me and another intern who is from Taylors Lakeside campus need to extract the softcopy of invoices from the system and email accordingly to each customer. One thing I think the system is not systematic enough as the invoices are not categorize based on region, so in order for us to extract the invoices, we had to get one by one based on each customer code. It is time consuming , things would be much more efficient if the system itself could be improved.

Another intern and I had done the so called ‘invoicing’ task for 5 days. After done emailing all the invoices to customers, we were told to call up all the customers if they received the hardcopy or softcopy of invoices. Our team had daily meetings early in the morning. Topics and things that we discussed during meeting are how much debts are still pending daily based on the updated daily aging report, what is our team’s target on the total outstanding debts and what are the solutions we should imply on those customers who refuse to pay off their outstanding payments. Basically, that’s what I had experienced for the first 2 weeks of internship in credit control department. 

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