Thursday, April 9, 2015

5.3 My reflections Week 7-Week 8 ( 16th Feb- 27th Feb )

After a few off days for Chinese New Year period , everyone was getting back to the working place as usual. However, there were a few numbers of full time employers still on leave for chinese new year celebration , I was being assigned to help in the call centre for a day. As I know nothing about the operation in call center before, thank god that there was an intern from TARC guided and taught me what should I do and how should I handle all the customers' inquiries.

What I can tell the about the operation inside call centre is the phone will be ringing non stop so we had to keep answering all the calls. Most of the calls will be regarding of missing parcel , arrange to pick up parcel , lost parcel , parcel got delayed and etc. The 8 working hours inside the call centre was really stress out as once I had solved and answered one customer's issue , another one will be calling in again. And of course, due to it was my first ever time worked in call centre so I am totally not familiar with the operation , it really put me into a hard situation as I got scolded and yelled by some impolite customers during that day. However, the lesson which I had learnt during that day was patience really matters when it comes to deal with this kind of customer. Thank god as the following day another intern from sales and marketing department had assigned to work inside call centre.

Back to the usual operation in sales and marketing department, there was a call from a potential customer who is distributing milk powder and I was the one who deal with this company. This company name is Bonlife Sdn Bhd and for this time I had successfully arranged an appointment with the owner without any guidance of my sales manager. I felt really proud as I really learnt how to deal with potential customer myself. Other than dealing with customers through phone calls, there were a couple of times which I straight away deal with walk-in customers in the meeting room as well.

When it comes to the appointment date with Bonlife Sdn Bhd, I went to the company which is situated at Selayang together with a full time sales person. As usual, we met and greet with each other before we had the proper discussion and meeting. For this time, I was the one who presented Yamato's services to the manager while the full time sales person sitting at beside to guide me if I have made any mistakes. Fortunately, things went really smooth during the meeting as I get to answer all the inquiries from the manager myself.

Other than these two events during week 7 and week 8, other things which I did within these 2 weeks were as usual such as preparing quotation, sending greeting email to potential customers and cool calling potential customers.

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