Sunday, April 12, 2015

7.0 Documents

Internship Appointment Letter

Reference Letter From Employer

Thank You Letter To Company Supervisor

Company Supervisor Evaluation


Certification Of Completion

Friday, April 10, 2015

6.0 My Future Plans

Career Plans 
After I've done with my 12 weeks internship , I had really experienced a lot of things which cannot be learnt through studies and assignments as what we have been doing in university are just based theories and concepts that we learn from lectures. There are still a lot of challenges waiting for me in the real world. Other than that, comparing the 3 departments that I had worked in Yamato company, I personally think that sales and marketing department seems to be a better place for me as I really like to deal, communicate and interact with people. In the coming internship, I will make it a try to have my intern at bank to learn more about finance and economics as I found it that the finance department in Yamato company is not a suitable place for me to pursue my career. Anyway, my main field of interest is still on Finance and Economics.

Further Development 
However , I'm in Finance and Economics course now and this year will be my final year, I believe with all the knowledge that I obtained from this course could make me become an even better person in the real commercial world.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

5.5 My Reflections Week 11 and Week 12 ( 16th March - 27th March )

Time passes so fast as it has finally come to my last 2 weeks of internship. Previously I was always dealing with 1 customer through email who claimed that he owns a pastry shop which based in Petaling Jaya area. On 16th March, he called in and looked for me, the business owner claimed that he wanted to arrange an appointment with me on 18th March. After informing my sales manager, my sales manager felt that I can handle this appointment myself and asked me to bring along 2 interns to go along as the full time sales person was busy with his own stuffs. I got no choice and needed to drive there myself this time.

Before my appointment, 1 of the interns who came along with me had an appointment with his customer at Jaya One as well and apparently his appointment was earlier than mine so we went to Jaya One first. His customer was selling fresh fruit juices online and the business owner wished to use our Cool-Taqbin service in order to help her courier fresh fruit juices to her customers. The discussion was about 40 minutes between the intern and the business.

After that we were heading to Petaling Jaya for my appointment, the moment when I reached that area by following the address given by the business owner, 3 of us couldn't look for the exact shop at all. After asking the business owner for exact direction through phone call, we managed to reach the shop. It was totally out of my expectation because all the while I was thinking that it's a pastry shop, actually the owner's shop is like a one-stop centre, he only sells a few choices of puff, and he sells some healthy product drinks as well. Other than that, he provides photocopy service for the residents who staying nearby too. Without wasting the time, we straight entered into our discussion. After some conversation with the business owner, he actually wanted to use Yamato as his courier service agent. Since I am just an intern, I couldn't make any decision regarding of this issue. After we went back to office, I spoke up this issue to my sales manager and she claimed that Yamato does appoint third party to be our courier service agent. She asked me to prepare the all the necessary documents and agreement for him to sign if the business owner is agree with the commission rates.

Once I done preparing all the necessary documents and agreement, I emailed to the business owner regarding of all the details. The business owner signed and get back to me in 3 days time. It is considered a best ending for me before I complete my internship because other than dealing with the normal corporate customer, this time I deal with an agent, Before I leaving Yamato, my sales manager did ask me to pass all my quotation forms to the other intern as he will be following all my customers.

During my last day of working in Yamato, my sales manager actually organized a farewell party for me and few of the interns who were leaving Yamato soon as well. In these 12 weeks in Yamato, I can say that it was a new experience for me before I step out and work in the society after I done with my studies.

5.4 My Reflections Week 9-Week 10 ( 2nd March- 13rd March )

After a few days waiting for the manager from Bonlife Sdn Bhd get back to me, the manager suddenly called and told me the management did agree with the corporate rates Yamato given to them so they decided to sign up our services. Although I do not get any cents of commission from this deal but still I felt happy as I get to close deal with this potential customer myself.

On 7th of March, it was the annual dinner of Yamato company in year 2015. It was great that all of the interns got the opportunity to attend the company annual dinner as well. It was held in Holiday Villa hotel which is situated at Subang area. The annual dinner was served in buffet style in a variety of foods. Some programs such as award giving session, lucky draw and kampai session were carried on during the annual dinner. For most of the chinese, we always yell 'yum seng' when it comes to dinner session but japanese shouted 'kampai' instead. This was the other culture which I got to experience when working in a japanese company. 

During that week, we got some orders from some customers to help them pick packing newspapers and courier it out. 4 of the interns which including me were asked by the sales manager to do the pick packing in the warehouse, the amount of the newspapers is ridiculous as we needed to pick and pack 6000 sets of newspapers. This took us about 9 hours to get it done since morning we punch in at working place until we punch out at our working place. In the warehouse, the ventilation was so bad in the warehouse plus the delivery trucks and vans kept coming in and out. For my own point of view, it is not fun to work in the warehouse at all. 

Besides that, there was a random day during week 9 and week 10, I was called to work in the call centre again and this time my role was to scan all the waybills in piece by piece with the scanning machine which linked to the system itself. The same thing as it took me 8 working hours just to scan a carton of waybills only. Basically , all of the interns were asked to take turn scanning the waybills.

5.3 My reflections Week 7-Week 8 ( 16th Feb- 27th Feb )

After a few off days for Chinese New Year period , everyone was getting back to the working place as usual. However, there were a few numbers of full time employers still on leave for chinese new year celebration , I was being assigned to help in the call centre for a day. As I know nothing about the operation in call center before, thank god that there was an intern from TARC guided and taught me what should I do and how should I handle all the customers' inquiries.

What I can tell the about the operation inside call centre is the phone will be ringing non stop so we had to keep answering all the calls. Most of the calls will be regarding of missing parcel , arrange to pick up parcel , lost parcel , parcel got delayed and etc. The 8 working hours inside the call centre was really stress out as once I had solved and answered one customer's issue , another one will be calling in again. And of course, due to it was my first ever time worked in call centre so I am totally not familiar with the operation , it really put me into a hard situation as I got scolded and yelled by some impolite customers during that day. However, the lesson which I had learnt during that day was patience really matters when it comes to deal with this kind of customer. Thank god as the following day another intern from sales and marketing department had assigned to work inside call centre.

Back to the usual operation in sales and marketing department, there was a call from a potential customer who is distributing milk powder and I was the one who deal with this company. This company name is Bonlife Sdn Bhd and for this time I had successfully arranged an appointment with the owner without any guidance of my sales manager. I felt really proud as I really learnt how to deal with potential customer myself. Other than dealing with customers through phone calls, there were a couple of times which I straight away deal with walk-in customers in the meeting room as well.

When it comes to the appointment date with Bonlife Sdn Bhd, I went to the company which is situated at Selayang together with a full time sales person. As usual, we met and greet with each other before we had the proper discussion and meeting. For this time, I was the one who presented Yamato's services to the manager while the full time sales person sitting at beside to guide me if I have made any mistakes. Fortunately, things went really smooth during the meeting as I get to answer all the inquiries from the manager myself.

Other than these two events during week 7 and week 8, other things which I did within these 2 weeks were as usual such as preparing quotation, sending greeting email to potential customers and cool calling potential customers.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

5.2 My Reflections Week 5- Week 6 (2nd Feb- 13th Feb)

During my fifth and sixth week in Sales and Marketing department, I really gained a lot of new experiences and learnt a lot of new things. On 3rd of February , I went out for an appointment with my sales manager upon her request. This appointment was meeting up with a korean client whose company is based in Central region. This company is under KMT group which is a group that sells a variety of imported korean products. After I had done preparing all the company brochure and necessary documents , my sales manager and I went to their office at our appointed time.

In brief, I was just a personal assistant for my sales manager. As usual, we met and greet each other when we reached their office. In a meanwhile, we were arranged to be waiting in their meeting room while waiting for the managing director. The company wasn't that big as what I expected, it just has 8 staffs in total including the top management. While waiting for the managing director, we were served with one of their company products which was a hot cup of green tea. The green tea smells really good in the meeting room. After awhile, the managing director who is a korean came in and apologized for kept us waiting in the meeting room. I was impressed with his good manner though.

Both of them who were my sales manager and the managing director started to introduce themselves before they start off with the meeting. My role during the meeting was to learn and listen how both parties explain and present the products and services to each other. At the same time, I marked down what were the korean client's inquiries and requirements on our Yamato's services. However, I was totally impressed with my sales manager's presentation skills, she has a very good presentation skills, I really learnt a lot of presentation skills from her though. The meeting almost took us for an hour and we bid farewell with each other. 

Right after we done with our meeting with the korean client, we went for a quick lunch. After our lunch, I was told by my sales manager that we would pay a visit to Kajang branch as there was a small problem occurred over there. It was another new experience for me as well. We started our journey off to Kajang. The moment when I reached Kajang branch , it wasn't that nice and big as what I expected. Basically, the branch has a warehouse and the working office is just right above on the warehouse only. Meanwhile, there were only 6 or 7 workers including 1 Japanese branch manager. For Japanese corporate companies, they would always only hire people with the same nationality for their top management. I made a wild guess that this is a culture for most of the Japanese companies throughout the world and from what I had observed in Yamato company. 

Besides these 2 things which I had experienced in week 5, I was suddenly being assigned by my sales manager went to Lazada warehouse to do pick up parcels on 11th February in a very last minute timing before I get to punch out from my working place. Tasks that I did for pick up parcels in Lazada warehouse were scanning all the parcels, printing out the waybill sticker through the mini printer which connected via bluetooth and most importantly it was imported all the way from Japan. It was really convenient to do pick up parcels by using the mini printer. Unfortunately, the scanning and sticking waybills took us almost 2 hours to get it done together with another intern who was from TARC college and it had actually exceeded the agreed working hour between Yamato and interns. However, I tried to ask my sales manager for allowance such as over-time pay but she turned it down and said interns are not allowed to get over-time pay. This was what I had experienced on the fifth and sixth week during my intern period in Yamato company.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

5.1 My Reflection Week 3-Week 4 ( 19th Jan- 30th Jan )

During the third week of my internship , I was being told that I would be transferring to Sales & Marketing department. Reason being for such arrangement because there were 2 full time staffs had resigned from that department. Due to lack of manpower in that department, I was being assigned to assist in Sales & Marketing department.

Since I got no ideas about how to deal with customers and how to explain the company's products and services to customers on my first day in Sales & Marketing department, I was given a task of filling up the exhibition and event calender as per requested by my manager. I had been looking across many exhibition centres and halls regarding of their events and exhibitions from Northern region to Southern Region of Malaysia. One of the purposes of doing so is Taqbin Sales Team would pay a visit to some of these events and exhibitions to look for potential clients. 

Once I'd done filling up the exhibition calendar in year 2015, I started to read through every single details of Yamato company's brochure. Through the company's brochure , I get to know more about Taqbin. For Taqbin which is the courier service , it has 2 types of courier services such as the normal parcels and the other one is cold and chilled products. Thus, courier service for cold and chilled is better named as Cool-Taqbin. In my own point of view, there are many other courier service providers couldn't help their customers to deliver cool and chilled products , this is why Yamato company could be a little outstanding compare to other courier service providers such as DHL , Skynet, Citilink and Pos Laju. At the same time, there is another service which provides by Yamato is called Taqbin-Collect. Taqbin-Collect is the service which deals with cash on delivery service. This means that Yamato company will help on behalf of the senders to collect the exact amount of money on goods from receivers, if the receivers failed to pay the exact amount of money stated on the waybill itself , the sales drivers will not pass the goods to the receivers and will keep the senders informed about that issue. This service makes the senders not to worry about their goods being scammed by third parties.

The next thing which I had learnt in the sales department is preparing the quotation for clients based on 3 Tiers which are Tier 1 , Tier 2 and Tier 3. For Tier 1 which is the most expensive corporate rates for only japanese companies and other logistic companies. Speaking of Tier 2, it has the moderate corporate rates for clients who wish to courier products such as electrical appliances, cosmetic products, IT products, fragile products and etc. For Tier 3 which is the cheapest corporate rates for clients who wish to courier clothing, small goods, fashion items, soft toys and etc. Beside the Tier 1-3 3 rates, it has corporate rates for clients who only want to courier documents.

When I had known about the products and services of Yamato , my manager asked me to focus on e-commerce and e-printing companies to look for more potential customers. Whenever I found any potential companies , I took the initiative to call up and speak to the person in charge of courier service and not to forget proposing the services offered by Yamato to them. By keep repeating the same tasks in the first and second week in sales department, I managed to close my first deal on the second week in Sales and Marketing department.

Other than cool calling, preparing and proposing quotation, sending greeting emails to potential customers is another task which should be done by the Sales team as well. In brief , this was what I had experienced in the first and second week in Sales and Marketing department.